Monday, 18 February 2008

Enrolment week rocks on!

Hey guys,

What a day! Students, old and new are loving the first day of enrolment week. Free giveaways, cheap subscriptions and pints at only $3.70 at the foundry!!! The excitement is building for 'O Week' and everyones ripping the sheets off their bed, whacking them in the washing machine and amping up for the toga party on Thursday night! "Toga, Toga, Toga!" The UCSA exec have been busy keeping you informed - hooking you up with a fresh diary for the year and a sweet wall planner to organise your lives!

Time to shoot now for cheeky pint. See you there!

Dave, Simon and Justin


Wow, suddenly the university feels a whole lot busier! Enrolment started today, and it seems a whole pile of eager students saw the Exec with our funky pink spandex in the Mix Cafe handing out your awesome new Diaries, wallplanners, O-week mags and bags. If the morning was anything to go by, this week is gonna be manic!

Good luck to everyone braving the queues, and remember if you enrol after Monday next week, Registry is going to charge you an extra $100 per course (up to $200 total), so make sure you get in before then!!!


Sunday, 3 February 2008

UCSA Representing

Just a quick update on what went on in Wellington. That weekend was a prime example of how student solidarity and efforts, can change attitudes and cause impact at the bee hive. The UCSA delegation together with fellow NZUSA delegates marched up to the steps of parliament in solidarity to rally against student debt and campaign to the politicians.

It was a highly successful rally, as we got huge media coverage and attention. I also believe this has caused significant impact, and is one of the reasons why youth and tertiary policies have reached the surface in wellington, and has become a major campaign issue for both parties. They are listening, and we should give it to them loud and clear.

Read and watch the one news coverage here: