Monday, 14 July 2008

MMP - a genY party??

One politician continually in the news, for better or for worse is Winston Peters. Mr Peters has used his charismatic style of politics to particularly win over one section of NZ - the old people. His constant speeches to greypower, and often single minded policy focus has won him enough of the vote to keep NZ First in government for many years.

NZ first are not shy in rolling out policies that are for the benefit of old people. Their confidence and supply agreement with Labour begins with their agreement on policies that are for the benefit of senior citizens. They have developed a supergold card which gets massive benefits to old people across NZ and they have made constant gains on the level of superannuation available.

Why then has a party not started to focus and benefit on young people - the generation Y of NZ? There are some 500,000 students across NZ and if they all block voted for a genY party then either govt would need the support of young people to govern parliament. Such a party could focus on student issues, or issues that will stop the hoards of young people leaving our shores.
A genY party would keep parliament honest and embrace the benefits of the MMP system. Labour said they would have 50% of students entitled to the student allowance - it has not happened. National talk endlessly about ambition - what does that mean for genY'ers??

A genY party could produce results for young people to make life easier, like Winston has done for greypower.

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